Some Ed.M. programs require teacher
licensure for admission and/or graduation. Information concerning these
licensure requirements may be obtained through the student’s department or
the Council on Teacher Education.
Teacher, administrative, and other licensures for public schools are awarded by the Illinois State Board of Education. In most cases, licensure may be awarded after completing an approved program at a university. The College of Education has approved programs for most licensure, including various teaching fields, Learning Behavior Specialist, and Administrative (General Administrative and Superintendent). Most of the approved administrative programs require completion of a graduate degree at the University of Illinois. Since requirements change, it is important that anyone desiring to obtain licensure discuss the matter with their advisor and the Council of Teacher Education at the start of the program.
All persons seeking admission to a
licensure program in educational administration must respond to a separate
application procedure. For details, contact the Graduate Student Services Office.
The Ph.D. program in Counseling Psychology offered by the Department of Educational Psychology is designed to meet American Psychological Association (APA) requirements for eligibility for licensure.