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Bureau of Educational Research

Engaged Research

The Bureau of Educational Research supports the development and conduct of engaged research initiatives.

Current focal areas:

COVID-19 Seed Awards are a joint initiative between the Bureau of Educational Research and the College Research Committee. With gift fund support, ten projects were selected in June and July 2020, following a competitive review process. Each of the 12-month funded teams are developing projects responding to the new realities of teaching, learning and educating in the pandemic era, aim to engage immediate planning and initial data collection activities, and to seek external funding to sustain their efforts. Elizabeth Niswander manages the seed funding program.

Illinois Secondary Teacher Education and Computer Science Initiative (I-STECS) a campus-supported initiative in the College of Education, has led to establishing the Teaching Endorsement in Computer Science (CSTEd), and the second Illinois Statewide K-12 CS Education Summit on September 25, 2020, to chart a path for the future of K-12 computer science education in Illinois. Raya Hegeman-Davis coordinates these activities.

Community-Academic Partnerships for Health. The College of Education is partnering with the campus-wide Interdisciplinary Health Science Institute (IHSI) to develop research and engagement opportunities at the intersection of education and health. Emily Stone manages these efforts.

School-University Research Relations. The Bureau coordinates research relationships campus-wide between university researchers and K-12 school districts. Raya Hegeman-Davis serves as School-University Research Coordinator.

We CU Community Engaged Scholars, sponsored by the Chancellor's Office, was launched in partnership by the School of Social Work, Interdisciplinary Health Science Institute (IHSI), College of Education, Siebel Center for Design, and Center for Social and Behavioral Science. With operations that began during the Summer 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, We CU empowers students to make a positive impact in the community while building their resume/CV and enriching their university experience. Emily Stone is We CU Co-Director.