Every week, Global Partners has a group meeting during which we discuss a topic that allows different cultural views to be shared. Global Partners also matches non-native speakers of English with native speakers to help provide the opportunity to exchange cultures and to practice speaking conversational English one-on-one.
Contact: uiucglobal@gmail.com
Big Sib/Little Sib program where an upperclassman would be paired with a freshman and have lunches or do fun activities with them to acclimate them to the campus.
Contact: isaillinois@gmail.com
This program pairs prospective study aboard students with those who have already traveled to a certain area or share a similar major as the student.
Contact: sao@illinois.edu | www.studyabroad.illinois.edu
We pair up a student who is pursing a career in education with a retired teacher. The teacher will be that student’s mentor based on their interests and can communicate with them how ever and as often as they want. We encourage students to join the program that are interested in getting information for the future, today.
Contact: uiucsea@gmail.com | illinoiseducationassociation.org