College Dissertation Awards offer competitive support for graduate student dissertation projects. The program is administered by the Bureau of Educational Research and the College Research Committee.
Megan Best | Special Education | Charting the Course: A Mixed Methods Investigation Into Special Educators' Role in Enhancing Transition Services for Students with Disabilities |
Adetutu Fabusoro | Education, Policy, Organization & Leadership | Experiences of Nonnative English-Speaking Employees in U.S. Organizations: Role of Communicative Competence and Linguistics Profiling on Acceptance, Performance Perception and Career Development |
Mostafa Hanafy | Education, Policy, Organization & Leadership | 'Ungrading’ as a Transformative Assessment Strategy: A Case Study from a Midwest Selective Admission High School in the United States |
Hannah Kuneyl | Education, Policy, Organization & Leadership | In the Hearts of Men: From Industrial School to Community College 1903-1983 |
Aigul Rakisheva | Education, Policy, Organization & Leadership | Teaching for Tomorrow: The Effects of Inclusive Sustainability Education on Pre-Service Teachers’ Knowledge, Efficacy, and Classroom Intentions |
Taiylor Rayford | Educational Psychology | 'Hope for the Best, Expect the Worse': A Framework for Understanding Belonging Fulfillment Among Black Graduate Students |
Shiyu Sun | Educational Psychology | Name-based Discrimination Among International Students in Higher Education Introduction |
Armando Torres | Education, Policy, Organization & Leadership | Multiplying the 'Multiplicador': A Liberatory Learning Framework for Digital Transformation |
Cecilia Vaughn-Guy | Education, Policy, Organization & Leadership | The Garden Within: The Perspectives of Black Women on Organizational Participation and Organizational Justice as Frontline Healthcare Employees |