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Departments & Faculty Educational Psychology Subject Pool

Educational Psychology

College of Education / Educational Psychology Subject Pool

The Bureau of Educational Research is no longer overseeing the college subject pool and the Department of Educational Psychology has been asked to take it over. To facilitate this process we are planning to switch to a web-based STUDY ANNOUNCEMENT sign-up board, rather than using the board in the second floor hallway. We’ll also make a few procedure changes to ensure some oversight.

Instructions for Investigators:

  1. Once you obtain your campus Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval letter for a project, please email Julie Kellogg with the PROTOCOL NUMBER(S) and NAME(S) of the active study/studies, and either a website, electronic flyer, or email/phone information so that your request can be listed on our website. Labs that run multiple, ongoing studies that are listed on the lab websites can just provide a LAB URL that will be listed for students to link to. You should also include 1-3 sentences about the study if you do not have a lab website in which details about participation (e.g., length of session; any requirements for participation) are provided.
  2. Included in the list below are other departments/labs/projects on campus with reciprocal agreements for their students. For example, LING 111 & LING 225 have agreed to give credit for participation in experiments in COE studies. COE Faculty are asked to likewise give credit for COE students who participate in LING experiments.
  3. Instructors who require study participation or who give extra credit for participation can simply LIST THIS WEBSITE on their syllabi and ask students to visit it to locate studies to sign up for.
  4. At the beginning of each semester we will email to remind faculty to send information about projects for subject pool participants for that semester.
  5. At the end of each semester, all projects listed on the subject pool board will be deleted unless Julie is asked to leave a project up past the end of a semester or remove a project before the end of the semester.

Instructions for Students:

If your course requires that you complete at least 1 subject pool project, or offers extra credit for participation in studies, please review the open projects below and contact the PI either via their website or listed contact information to schedule the project.  Once completed, please have the experimenter sign a participation card and return it to your course instructor for credit.

Human Subject Pool Experiment Participation Form



  • Project: Online Processing of Sentence Repetition
    Native speaker of Chinese / L2 Chinese Speakers
    : You must be at least 18 years old. You should have normal or corrected-to-normal vision (with glasses or contact lenses without color).
    The experiment will take place in Beckman 2412 and last for 60 minutes. In this experiment, you will listen to some short Chinese sentences and answer some questions using a computer. 
  • Project: Perceptions of Explainable AI-driven Study Recommendations
    Description: You will evaluate several learning guide recommendations generated by an AI based on different student profiles. Each profile includes details such as reading time, quiz scores, and prior knowledge. You will rate the recommendations on helpfulness, achievability, and likelihood of being followed. The study takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. Study is conducted online, and you will receive 0.5 research participation credits upon completion.
    Signup: Please email ( to sign up.  
  • Project: Writing Instruction through Learning-by-Teaching using an LLM
    In this study, you will first take a brief test on rhetorical strategies followed by a 1-hour computer-based learning session on persuasive writing. Finally, you will complete a brief post-test. Total experiment time is approximately 90 minutes. The study can either be completed online (zoom) or in person. You will receive 1.5 research participation credits upon completion.
     Please contact Sydney Miller ( to sign up or ask questions.
  • Project: UIUC Sleep Study
    Recruitment Flyer
    The UIUC Sleep Study explores sleep patterns among college students. This is a two-part study. The first part is a survey for which they can receive either 1 research credit or a raffle ticket. The second part is a 14-day daily diary study where they can receive a raffle entry for each day that they complete a survey for a chance to win a gift card of up to $250.
  • Project: Speakers' Knowledge of English, Spanish, and Korean
    Digital Flyer
    We are looking for:
  1. Native Spanish speakers aged 18 and older who have resided in the US less than 5 years;
  2. Native Korean speakers aged 18 and older who have resided in the US less than 5 years;
  3. Native English speakers aged 18 and older who have at least Intermediate proficiency in Korean (MUST NOT know any other languages);
  4. English-Spanish bilinguals aged 18 and older who have at least Intermediate proficiency in Korean (MUST NOT know any other languages).

Procedure: This study is completely online and involves up to three sessions, dependent on your language background. You will be asked to complete a sentence judgment task.
To sign up:

  • Project: Speakers' Knowledge of Korean 
    Participants must be aged 18 or older and have resided in the US for no more than 5 years.
    The experiment will take place in LCLB G70. During the 60-minute study, participants will complete a picture description task and a sentence-picture judgment task.
    Sign-up website:
    Digital Project Flyer
    Please contact Isela Silvera ( for more information.
  • Project: Speech Perception in Noise by English Native Speaker - Recording session
     participant must be a native American English speaker. We are currently looking for 4 male speakers
     The experiment takes place at Literatures, Cultures, and Linguistics Building, G90 (LCLB, formerly Foreign Language Building). G90 is in the basement.
    Sign-up website:; Contact Mingyue Huo ( for more information.
  • Chinese native speakers and L2 learners of Chinese are needed for this experiment. In this study, you will be asked to read sentences word by word and fill out an acceptability judgment task. The total experiment time is 30-40 minutes for native speaker and 50-60 minutes for L2 learners. Participants will be compensated with extra credit. If you would like to participate, please email Junghwan Maeng ( to sign up for an appointment. Additional details for this study can be found here.
  • Contact:
    Dr. Christianson has experiments for both native and nonnative speakers of English.  Most of his experiments require you to read sentences and answer questions while your eye movements are monitored. Some experiments entail doing math problems or reading text without eye tracking.

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