College of Education / Educational Psychology Subject Pool
The Bureau of Educational Research is no longer overseeing the college subject pool and the Department of Educational Psychology has been asked to take it over. To facilitate this process we are planning to switch to a web-based STUDY ANNOUNCEMENT sign-up board, rather than using the board in the second floor hallway. We’ll also make a few procedure changes to ensure some oversight.
Instructions for Investigators:
- Once you obtain your campus Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval letter for a project, please email Julie Kellogg with the PROTOCOL NUMBER(S) and NAME(S) of the active study/studies, and either a website, electronic flyer, or email/phone information so that your request can be listed on our website. Labs that run multiple, ongoing studies that are listed on the lab websites can just provide a LAB URL that will be listed for students to link to. You should also include 1-3 sentences about the study if you do not have a lab website in which details about participation (e.g., length of session; any requirements for participation) are provided.
- Included in the list below are other departments/labs/projects on campus with reciprocal agreements for their students. For example, LING 111 & LING 225 have agreed to give credit for participation in experiments in COE studies. COE Faculty are asked to likewise give credit for COE students who participate in LING experiments.
- Instructors who require study participation or who give extra credit for participation can simply LIST THIS WEBSITE on their syllabi and ask students to visit it to locate studies to sign up for.
- At the beginning of each semester we will email to remind faculty to send information about projects for subject pool participants for that semester.
- At the end of each semester, all projects listed on the subject pool board will be deleted unless Julie is asked to leave a project up past the end of a semester or remove a project before the end of the semester.
Instructions for Students:
If your course requires that you complete at least 1 subject pool project, or offers extra credit for participation in studies, please review the open projects below and contact the PI either via their website or listed contact information to schedule the project. Once completed, please have the experimenter sign a participation card and return it to your course instructor for credit.
Human Subject Pool Experiment Participation Form