Students and Donors Honored at Student Recognition Brunch
by Ashley Lawrence, College of Education / Dec 13, 2018
Dean James D. Anderson shared, in his opening remarks, that he has been present for every single College of Education student recognition event since their inception. As they're an important celebration of the investment donors make in students’ lives, he plans on being part of the 30th annual event in Fall 2019, too.
“As faculty, family, donors, and friends, our responsibility is to ensure that our students continue to lead and make their mark on the world. And I’m very confident that they will do that,” said Anderson, addressing the group. “Your gifts have a very powerful impact on the College, and in the lives of our students. Your generosity greatly promotes the work and mission of the College. For this, we thank you wholeheartedly.”
This year’s event was dedicated in memory of Dr. David Zola, who taught in the Department of Educational Psychology for more than 30 years and passed away in September.
“He was indeed the heart of our college. He was symbolic of the kind of professors we want for all of our students, and if you were a student in his class, a colleague, a friend, you probably have a David Zola story. We are very pleased to dedicate this salute to academic achievement to Dr. David Zola,” said Anderson.
A total of 149 undergraduate and graduate students were recognized for receiving awards for the 2018-2019 academic year during the event. The brunch and ceremony provide a special time for students to interact with their donors, many of whom are College alumni, to talk about future career plans, express appreciation for financial support, and laugh about common experiences.
Pamela Hove, a scholarship donor and self-described lifelong learner, spoke about how a small amount of giving, over time, can add up to significant impact—calling her example the “Latte Plan.”
“For those of you receiving scholarships today, I encourage you to consider starting your own giving journey when you graduate,” said Hove.
Donors make it possible for Education students to conduct research, study abroad, and pursue their dreams to become teach leaders in communities around the globe. To learn more about how to support students and programs, email Lisa Denson-Rives or call 217-300-2752. To make a gift to the College, use this online form.