Faculty projects on display in NSF's 2017 STEM for All Video Showcase
by Robb Lindgren (robblind@illinois.edu) / May 15, 2017
The 2017 STEM for All Video Showcase, funded by the National Science Foundation, has officially opened and will be running from May 15 through May 22. There are 171 three-minute videos in the gallery designed to stimulate discussion and feedback about new approaches and designs for STEM Education in the U.S.
This year College of Education at Illinois faculty are participating in two projects that are highlighted in the showcase. Robb Lindgren and Jose Mestre are principal investigators on the ELASTICS project, and Maya Israel and George Reese are co-principal investigators on the LTEC project with faculty from the University of Chicago. Please visit these project pages, view the videos, and give them your vote!