MSE faculty offer an array of courses for Mathematics, Science and Engineering graduate students. Ph.D. students should consult our MSE PhD Advising Tool when selecting courses. Examples of MSE courses are listed below.
CI 530: Trends and Issues in Mathematics Education
Credit: 4 hours
The course examines mathematics education research focusing on the study of mathematics teaching. Students examine frameworks for studying mathematics teaching, research establishing links between mathematics teaching and learning, and characteristics of mathematics teaching as a practice. Students also review research methods and instruments for studying mathematics teaching. The course is open to graduate students with general interest in the study of teaching, but the readings focus on mathematics teaching.
CI 532: Prof Development in Math Ed
Credit: 4 hours
Considers research perspectives, policies and practices associated with the professional development of mathematics teachers. Specifically, students will examine what policymakers recommend for effective professional development, what research findings seem to suggest, how schools do professional development for successful mathematics teaching, and the implications of policy and real world practices for equality of opportunity for mathematics learning.
CI 533: Problem Solving in Math Ed
Credit: 4 hours
Focuses on the role of problem solving in the learning and teaching of mathematics. Examines mathematical problem solving processes, as well as issues surrounding the use of problem solving in K-12 mathematics classrooms, including recent reform trends, equity issues, and distinctions among teaching "about", "for", and "through" problem solving.
CI 534: Teaching and Learning Geometry
Credit: 4 hours
This course concentrates on the teaching and learning of geometry in middle school and high school by examining the history of school geometry, comparing curricular expectations and rationales for geometry instruction over time. The course provides an overview of theoretical models regarding the teaching and learning of geometry. At the same time, the course provides opportunities for discussing practical issues of teaching geometry with work on geometrical problems and laboratory sessions using dynamic geometry. Prerequisite: Acceptance into a graduate program.
CI 535: Teaching and Learning Algebra
Credit: 4 hours
This course examines perspectives about the teaching and learning of algebra in middle school and high school. Topics include an examination of historical perspectives on algebra in the school curriculum, a study of the nature of algebra and algebraic thinking, an analysis of teaching strategies for teaching algebra, an examination of documents on algebraic reasoning, and explorations of the use of technological tools to support the teaching and learning of algebra.
Credit: 2 hours
Provides an introduction to doctoral studies, research, and careers in Math, Science, and Technology (MST) Education. Topics include a basic orientation to research in MST education, doctoral program hurdles, potential career paths, and MST education research funding. Although this seminar is designed for CI students in MST education, students in other programs may also enroll.
CI 537: Discourse in STEM Classrooms
Credit: 4 hours
An overview of relevant literature regarding discourse in STEM classrooms with emphasis on teachers' perspectives, students' perspectives, and interactions between the teacher and the students. Discusses research methodologies for the study of discourse in STEM classrooms and implications of research for the education and the professional development of pre-service and in-service teachers.
CI 540: Current Issues in Sci Edu
Credit: 4 hours
Advanced seminar in science education for teachers, consultants, and administrators. Identifies major problems and issues; analyzes current trends and research; and develops a philosophical framework related to science education. Prerequisite: Teacher education course in science and two years of college science; or consent of instructor.
Credit: 4 hours
Focuses on influential theories of student learning and their implications for science education. Examines the theoretical underpinnings of these learning theories as well as their implications for student learning, instruction, and assessment.
CI 542: Science Ed & Phil of Science
Credit: 4 hours
Surveys issues in philosophy of science that are central to science education through an exploration of the works of twentieth century philosophers of science who were most influential in shaping thinking about science in the science education community. Relevant readings from science and history of science are also explored.
CI 543: Constructivism and MST Educ
Credit: 4 hours
Intended for those interested in a perspective on mathematics, science, and technology (MST) learning and teaching called constructivism, which has come to prominence in the past two decades, particularly in MST education. Constructivism focuses on the processes of sense-making or meaning construction through experience and/or social discourse. Designed to help participants examine the implications of constructivism for learning and teaching in mathematics, science, and technology.
Credit: 2 hours
The course examines the process of double-blind review and the metrics associated with refereed research journals and researcher productivity in mathematics, science, and technology education. Students will be provided with practical experiences as journal 'referees' through reviewing manuscripts submitted for publication, and will develop thorough understandings of the entire process of publishing in refereed journals in the field of science, mathematics, and technology education. May be repeated in separate terms to a maximum of 4 hours if topics vary.
CI 547: Sociopol Persp Math Science
Credit: 4 hours
This course is for anyone interested in equity-related issues in mathematics and science education. It provides an overview of sociopolitical perspectives on mathematics and science education, including how issues of identity, power, and equity play out in teachings, learning, and research. Students will develop an understanding of how racism, classism, and the politics of language operate within mathematics and science classroom and in the practice of mathematics and science in society at large. An emphasis of the course is on solutions that address social justice.