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Students to Preview Agrivoltaics app Developed by Education Faculty

by (Communications Office) / Dec 13, 2023

The SCAPES Agrivoltaics Project, a four-year, $10 million project funded by the USDA, will preview the educational app developed by College of Education Faculty.

H. Chad Lane, associate professor, EPSY, and Samantha Lindgren, assistant professor, EPOL, are a part of the education team developing the SCAPES Agrovoltaics Simulation Educational app. The app will be previewed at a STEAM Workshop with the Champaign Park District. Students in grades 3-7 can register to attend by December 14 for the workshop on December 21.

App users can learn about Agrivoltaics, using farm fields for crop and solar production, by customizing their agrivolatic farm. Users can choose where to locate their farm, what crops to plant, and how to arrange their crops and solar panels. The app will simulate the agrivoltaic system and give the user feedback on their current setup's energy output and crop yield.