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Vânia Castro: Investigating Emerging Technologies, AI, and More

by Communications Office / Sep 13, 2023

Vania Castro, Teaching Assistant Professor, Education Policy, Organization & Leadership

Vânia Castro, Teaching Assistant Professor, Education Policy, Organization & Leadership

Castro completed her Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil, in May 2021.

Tell us about your previous academic experience.

I held the Werner Baer Postdoctoral Fellow position at the Lemann Center for Brazilian Studies at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign from 2022 to 2023. Additionally, I was a visiting scholar with the CAPES/PrInt program at UIUC in 2019 and 2020, where I developed part of my doctoral study. My investigation centered on leveraging mobile devices to provide support to educators and students in underserved regions of Brazil. I was also a Fulbright scholar at Florida State University from 2015-2016.

What are the areas of your scholarship?

My current research interests include emerging technologies in education, mobile learning, multiliteracies, teacher education, and artificial intelligence.