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Matt Lambert: Addressing How Measures of Emotional and Behavioral Functioning Vary Internationally

by Communications Office / Sep 13, 2023

Matt Lambert, Professor and Department Head, Special Education

Matt Lamber, Professor and Department Head, Special Education

Lambert earned his Ph.D. and M.Ed. in Educational Psychology from Texas Tech University and his B.S. in Applied Behavior Analysis from the University of North Texas.

Tell us about your previous academic and professional experience.

At the University of Nebraska, I held faculty and leadership positions for 10 years in the Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders. While I have always held appointments in special education, my doctoral training was in educational psychology with an emphasis in utilizing advanced quantitative and measurement methodologies to study the emotional and behavioral wellbeing of school-aged children with disabilities. Prior to my doctoral studies, I worked as an applied behavior analyst with young students with concomitant intellectual, behavioral, and sensory disabilities.

What is the focus of your scholarship?

My work now represents a blended focus of substantive and methodological issues related to special education research. Over the years, my research has focused broadly on assessment and interventions for students with emotional and behavioral disorders. My work addresses how measures of emotional and behavioral functioning can be culturally responsive, accessible, and usable across different parts of the world.

I co-authored the Behavioral and Emotional Rating Scale (BERS) and several international adaptations of the BERS, which expounds the strength-based framework of assessment in special education. My scholarship has helped develop an understanding of how interventions can take advantage of strengths to improve the outcomes for children with disabilities.