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"Effective Social and Emotional Learning Programs" presented by Dr. Roisin P. Corcoran

by Department of Educational Psychology Faculty Search Candidate / Nov 16, 2016

"Effective Social and Emotional Learning Programs

Presented by Dr. Roisin P. Corcoran
Assistant Professor, School of Education
Johns Hopkins University

Monday, November 14, 2016
11:00 am – 12:30 pm
242 Education Building

Up to now, most school innovation has focused on means of improving achievement through innovative curricula, technologies, and teaching methods specific to one or another curriculum area. However, it may be that there is a better way to improve whole schools, operating through the social and emotional competencies of students and applying to all subjects. There is a growing body of evidence showing positive learning impacts of classroom approaches designed to improve social and emotional learning.  Each of these strategies has evidence of success. But how can they all be used in an integrated and replicable way in high-needs schools, so that students can benefit from all of these paths to success in achievement as well as in social and emotional outcomes?

In the first part of my talk, I will summarize results from a meta-analysis of 46 years of research on school-based social and emotional learning programs for improving academic achievement. In the second part of my talk, I will discuss the Emotional Competencies Program (ECP), a school-wide program for improving non-cognitive skills. A key focus of the ECP is the implementation of a blended coaching model and digital materials for schools. These activities are intended to improve the cost-effectiveness and scalability of the program so that many more schools will be able to use it.