American Educational Research Journal named among top ten cited education journals
by AERA and the College of Education / Jul 29, 2013
The American Educational Research Association announced that three of its journals ranked in the top ten for the 2012 Journal Citation Reports released in June 2013. Among them, the American Educational Research Journal – Teaching, Learning and Human Development (AERJ-TLHD), is edited by College of Education faculty members Violet Harris and Arlette Willis. Associate editors include education faculty members Georgia Garcia, Michelle Perry, and Jinming Zhang.
AERA's journals were included in the Education and Educational Research category consisting of 216 peer-reviewed scholarly journals from around the world. A journal’s 2012 impact factor is the total number of 2012 citations to the journal’s 2010 and 2011 articles, divided by the journal’s total number of articles published those two years.