Special Education graduate student Michelle Bonati 'takes action,' featured on WCIA news [video]
by The College of Education and WCIA News / Feb 6, 2013
FEBRUARY 4, 2013, WCIA NEWS, ILLINOIS HOMEPAGE.NET, CHAMPAIGN — A UI student, Michelle Bonati, is teaching people in the community to pay it forward. Her friend's son died suddenly in 2002. Now she, and people around the country, are Taking Action to honor his memory.
They're building what they call "Ben's Bells." The project is named for a 2-year-old who lived in Tuscon, Ariz. His family said it felt like they were living a nightmare after he died. They needed something to take their minds off the pain, so they started making clay wind chimes.
They put them around the community when they were done and left them for people to find. It was their way of passing along kindness to people who had supported them.