EPOL Professor Linda Herrera's article featured in Harvard Educational Review
by The College of Education / Sep 20, 2012
Linda Herrera's article, "Youth and Citizenship in the Digital Age: A View from Egypt," is featured in the fall issue of The Harvard Educational Review. Herrera is an associate professor in the Department of Education Policy, Organization and Leadership.
"Youth are coming of age in a digital era and learning and exercising citizenship in fundamentally different ways compared to previous generations," Herrera writes in the article. "Around the globe, a monumental generational rupture is taking place that is being facilitated—not driven in some inevitable and teleological process—by new media and communication technologies."
Herrera is a social anthropologist with regional specialization in the Middle East and North Africa. She works in the fields of comparative/international education, international development studies, and youth studies. Her research interests lay at the intersection of education and social transformation in the Middle East and North Africa, critical ethnography and critical pedagogy, and youth citizenship and politics in a digital era. More recently she has been turning her attention to youth politics and revolution in the Middle East.