Education students welcomed with a 'splash' during Welcome Celebration
by The College of Education / Aug 24, 2012
New and returning students and their families were greeted with a "splash" of fun at the College of Education's Welcome Celebration on August 23. It was a beautiful but hot summer day, just right for the newest attraction at this year's event: a dunk tank.
Welcome Celebration attendees eagerly purchased tickets and warmed up their throwing arm for a chance to dunk Barb Geissler, executive assistant dean for business operations; Joe Cross, pre-teacher academic adviser; and Christopher Span, associate dean for academic programs—all in the name of fundraising, which resulted in $200 for scholarship funds.
New and returning students also had the chance to talk with mentor/volunteer coordinators from Urbana School District 116 and Champaign Unit 4 School District. Student organizations UNITE and Epsilon Delta were also on hand, as well as the Office of International Programs.
The event wasn't all business, though. There was plenty of food on hand, including snow cones, cotton candy, and hot dogs, as well as other attractions, including inflatable activities and music to create a festive mood.
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Dean Mary Kalantzis warmly welcomed students, their families, and the entire College community to the event. She thanked the Student Academic Affairs Office for organizing the event—the second of its kind—and gave kudos to Joe Cross, who came up with the idea for an annual welcoming event.
"This was an awesome way to welcome back our students," Cross said, adding that the event signified "a great way to open the academic year with our College of Education family." Cross would like to thank everyone who helped with or participated in the celebration, including Interactive Adventures, Rental City, Herriott's Rents, Tents, and Events; and disc jockey Terrence Stevenson, as well as the Campus Fire Department.
Students who could not make the event but are interested in school volunteer opportunities should contact Barbara Linder from the Urbana School District 116 or Lauren Smith from Champaign Unit #4.