Alumnus Freeman Hrabowski Recognized as a Most Influential Leader by Time Magazine
by The College of Education / Apr 20, 2012
April 19, 2012 (Diverse: Issues in Higher Education)—Dr. Freeman A. Hrabowski III, College of Education alumnus and the president of the University of Maryland Baltimore County who has built a national reputation for educating minority students in the sciences, has been named by Time magazine as one of the most influential leaders in the world.
Dr. Hrabowski earned the following degrees from the University of Illinois: a master's degree in Mathematics in 1971, a Ph.D. in Education in 1975, and an Honorary Degree in 2004. In 2008, he received the College of Education's Distinguished Alumni Award.
Time said this about Hrabowski, "… Perhaps the most envied science program in the country is at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. That's where Freeman A. Hrabowski III, 61, has spent 20 years as president turning a humble commuter school into one of the nation's leading sources of African Americans who get Ph.D.s in science and engineering."