New grants for FY2011
by The College of Education / Sep 1, 2011
The College of Education is pleased to announce the following new grants received during the 2011 fiscal year. This list does not include continued or renewed grants.As state funding continues to decrease for state universities, we especially rely on grants and other private or alternative sources of funding.
Mathematics Teachers' Decision-Making when Activating Students' Prior Knowledge in Problem-Based Instruction
Campus Research Board
Gloriana Gonzalez
Investigating the Impact of Uncertainty about Item Parameters in IRT Models
Campus Research Board
Jinming Zhang
Implementing Cognitive Diagnosis in Large-Scale Assessment
McGraw-Hill Companies
Hua-hua Chang
IPA Agreement
National Science Foundation
Sharon Tettegah
The Applied Baccalaureate Degree: An Emerging Pathway to Technician Education
National Science Foundation
Debra Bragg
Analyzing Partially Observable Computer-Adolescent Networks
National Science Foundation
Eyal Amir
Dorothy Espelage
The National Professional and Research Ethics Portal
National Science Foundation
C. Kristina Gunsalus
Nicholas Burbules
CDI-Type II: Collaborative Research: Groupscope: Instrumenting Research on Interaction Networks in Complex Social Contexts
National Science Foundation
Marshall S. Poole
Human-Automation Relationship Taxonomy
Georgia Institute of Technology
Daniel G. Morrow
Preparing Leaders in Education, Access, and Data-based Decision Making in High-Need Schools - Project LEAD
U.S. Department of Education
Lisa Monda-Amaya, Stacy Dymond, Janet Gaffney, James Halle, Karrie Shogren
Identifying the Relationship Between Gender, Socioeconomic Status, Ethnicity and Omissions: An Analysis of 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress Data
Campus Research Board
Michelle Perry
Increasing Community Membership for Children with Autism and Intellectual Disability: An Ecologically-Based Intervention
Campus Research Board
Philip Rodkin
Teacher Inquiry and Collaborative Learning: Supporting School and Direct Change
Ball Foundation
Lisa Monda-Amaya
The 'Learning Element': A Lesson Planning and Curriculum Documentation Tool for Teachers, Phases 1 & 2
U.S. Department of Education
Denice W. Hood, Phases 1 & 2
U.S. Department of Education
Sarah J. McCarthey
Promising Practices: An Investigation of I-Promise Student Educational Outcomes
Campus Research Board
Denice W. Hood
Increasing Community Membership for Children with Autism and Intellectual Disability: An Ecologically-Based Intervention
Campus Research Board
Karrie A. Shogren
BBCHS Mathematics Support for Title I Teachers
Illinois State Board of Education
George Clifford Reese
BBCHS: Enhancing Education through Technology II (EETT II)
Illinois State Board of Education
George Clifford Reese
Exploring the Predictors and Outcomes of Self-Determination for Secondary Students with Disabilities by Analyzing NLTS2 Data
Institute of Education Sciences
Karrie A. Shogren
Assessing Complex Performance: A Postdoctoral Training Program Researching Students Writing and Assessment in Digital Workspaces
Institute of Education Sciences
William Cope, Hua-hua Chang, Sarah McCarthey, Katherine Ryan
Qatari students' Interest in, and Attitudes toward, Science (QIAS)
College of the North Atlantic-Qatar
Fouad Abd-El-Khalick
Workshop on the Philosophical Foundations of Engineering and Engineering Education
National Science Foundation
Russell F. Korte
Elite High Status Schools in Globalizing Circumstances: A Multi-Sited Global Ethnography of Schools in Barbados
Campus Research Board
Cameron McCarthy
Network and Online Community Evaluation and Sustainability Plan
Lumpkin Family Foundation
Wen-Hao David Huang
Teacher Practices in Elementary and Middle School Classrooms: An Examination of Differences and Implications for Student Academic Adjustment during Early Adolescence
The Spencer Foundation
Allison Ryan