EPOL professor Peter Kuchinke talks about longtime connection to education in Brazil in International Educator magazine
by The College of Education / Apr 2, 2013
K. Peter Kuchinke, professor of Education Policy, Organization and Leadership, was featured in an April 2013 article in International Educator. The magazine interviewed him in the midst of his four-year FIPSE (Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education) grant.
The article, titled "Emerging Giant," by Alan Dessoff, explores how Brazil, "a rising world economic power, is finding ways to foster student exchange with key partners like the United States and Canada."
In the article (see pp. 27-29), Kuchinke talks about the University of Illinois' many connections with Brazil. Illinois has maintained an active student exchange with Brazilian institutions for years, according to Kuchinke. "Our College of Agriculture has been working with Brazil forever and a day," he was quoted in the article. "From the farm and commodity point of view, they are an important trading partner. Farm reports here every day talk about farm prices in Brazil," he said.
"In the recent past, we have seen a lot of interest by Brazilian students to come to the U.S. to study here, creating affinities in areas including sustainable agriculture, bio-energy, economic, education, and business." Kuchinke added.
Kuchinke is president-elect of the University Council for Workforce and Human Resource Education and serves as the Erasmus Mundus ambassador for the European Commission Education and Training.
He teaches in the areas of workforce and human resource development. Kuchinke's research interests focus on the connection between education and work, specifically the preparation of educators working outside of formal school settings and the role of higher education in light of changing career and employment patterns. A native German, he conducts much of his research in international and comparative contexts.