Champaign , USA
Room 4035 Campus Instructional Facility
Event Type: Conference/Workshop
Speaker Information: Various
Join us for the third and final day of this workshop series, focused on Resisting Climate Change and Injustice with Sustainability Education in Colleges of Education on Friday, September 15.
Hear from keynote speaker Dr. Oren Pizmony-Levy, associate professor at Teachers College and Director of the Center for Sustainable Futures. Panelists include Dr. Alberto Arenas (Editor-in-Chief Journal of Environmental Education, University of Arizona), Dr. Marek Oziewicz (University of Minnesota), Dr. Asil Sezen-Barrie (University of Maine, National Science Foundation), and Dr. Elin Kelsey author of Hope Matters: Why Changing the Way We Think Is Critical to Solving the Environmental Crisis.
Attend in-person or online. Advance registration is required. For more information: or contact Sam Lindgren (
Contact: Sam Lindgren
Sponsor: College of Education at Illinois, The Spencer Foundation