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Margaret Beale Spencer - Fireside Chat with Graduate Students

Champaign , USA
O'Leary Learning Center, 10 Education Building

O'Leary Learning Center, 10 Education Building

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Event Type: Other

College of Education graduate students are invited to join Dr. Margaret Beale Spencer, the Charles F. Grey Distinguished Service Professor Emerita in the Department of Comparative Human Development and the Marshall Field IV Professor Emerita of Urban Education at the University of Chicago, for an informal fireside chat prior to her 12:15 pm lecture in 22 Education.

In her lecture, Dr. Beale Spencer will speak to this year's Dean's Distinguished Speaker theme, "Will (D)iversity, (E)quity and (I)nclusion Die?: Advocacy and Action Towards Greater Accountability in an Empowered University".

Contact: Amy Summers