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Decolonizing Practice and Promoting Racial Justice in Community Colleges

Champaign , USA

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This conference is being held to dialogue and learn about how community colleges and other two-year institutions can serve as agents for racial justice and decolonization. Current quality practices and future recommendations will be explored in relation to issues of politics, access, identity, and policy.

Keynote speaker: J. Luke Wood

Community colleges and other two-year institutions of higher education have long served the educational needs of the vast majority of students of color, racial minorities, and colonized people. Realistically, the volume of students from these populations have frequently been the statistic majority in these educational settings. Yet, there remains an equity gap between these students who attend and graduate these institutions and their white counterparts. The gap widens further when looking at overall achievement throughout all types of higher education in the United States.

This conference is being held to dialogue and learn about how community colleges and other two-year institutions can serve as agents for racial justice and decolonization. Current quality practices and future recommendations will be explored in relation to issues of politics, access, identity, and policy.

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