Champaign , USA
Illini Union, Fourth Floor
The 10th annual meeting of the Illinois Language and Linguistics Society will take place April 6-8 on the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign campus.
Event Type: Conference/Workshop
ILLS is a general linguistics conference open to all subfields and primarily encouraging the submission of abstracts by graduate students. The ILLS annual conference is proud to be entirely student-organized and operated by the Linguistics Student Organization at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. In line with our chosen theme for this year, “Interdisciplinary Connect10ns in Linguistics”, we believe that ILLS10 will present an exceptional opportunity for scholars to advance their field through exposure to ideas and insights of related disciplines which can then be applied to their own research. We hold that an interdisciplinary exchange of ideas and a collaborative approach to language from a multitude of avenues is fundamental to the advancement of language research and the subsequent understanding of our world, cultures and societies.
Kiel Christianson of the College of Education will speak at this event.
Cost: FREE for U of I students
Contact: Jennifer Zhang
Sponsor: Linguistics Department/Multiple