Champaign , USA
192 Education
Dr. Susan Yoon will discuss in this talk the epistemological, and methodological characteristics of various research foci that investigate systems in science education.
Speaker: Dr. Susan Yoon, Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania
The study of complex systems has been highlighted in recent science education policy in the United States and has been the subject of important real-world scientific investigation. Because of this, research on complex systems in K–12 science education has shown a marked increase over the last two decades. Researchers in the learning sciences and science education have contributed a great deal to this literature in terms of modeling tools, theories, and pedagogical approaches that can support both instruction and students’ learning. In this talk, I will discuss epistemological, and methodological characteristics of various research foci that investigate systems in science education. I will highlight similarities and differences between these foci and offer insights into ways in which the field can move forward in enacting a more unified approach for research and application. I will also highlight how this work can be supported by more concerted efforts in building teacher professional development activities and by building teachers’ social capital.
Susan Yoon, PhD, is Associate Professor of Education in the Graduate School of Education at the University of Pennsylvania. She has research interests in science and technology education, complex systems, social network and social capital applications for learning, and the learning sciences. Her work spans both formal and informal science and technology environments where she has developed tools, curricula, and PD activities to support sense making through visualization tools. She has researched the affordances of wearable and mobile technologies, augmented reality technologies, digital knowledge-building collaborative platforms, and agent-based computer simulations that support STEM content learning and participation with middle and high school students and teachers. She is the recipient of the 2009 AERA Division C Jan Hawkins Award for early career contributions in learning technologies. She sits on the Board of Directors for the International Society of the Learning Sciences and on several editorial boards, including Educational Researcher and the American Educational Research Journal. She is co-Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of the Learning Sciences for the period 2017–2020.
Contact: Amy Summers 217-333-0960
Sponsor: College of Education