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Beyond the Shape Sorter: Playful Interactions that Promote Strong Academic and Social-Emotional Skills

Champaign , USA

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This webinar will provide information on seven learning progressions that set the foundation for children’s success in school and in life.

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Kristie Pretti-Frontczak

A primary way children learn is through their interactions with toys and materials found in their environment. At times, however, children can get “stuck” in a loop, and they don’t continue to find new and more sophisticated ways to play. This impacts all levels of development and learning from fine motor to executive functioning. It also impacts the quality of interactions with caregivers and peers. This webinar will provide information on seven learning progressions that set the foundation for children’s success in school and in life. Recommended practices for what to do when children get stuck, and evidence-based strategies for helping them expand their play with objects will be provided.




Robyn DiPietro-Wells

Military Families Learning Network / Early Intervention Training Program