Champaign , USA
Urbana Early Childhood School
The "Transition Process from Early Intervention to Early Childhood" workshop will focus on requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act and Illinois enactment to provide a smooth and effective transition for children and their families.
Event Type: Conference/Workshop
Around the age of 2-1/2 years, young children and their families using Part C Early Intervention services, begin the transition process to determine if they are eligible for Part B Early Childhood Special Education services by the age of three. Join those in early intervention, community care and education, early childhood public education, and the families of these children to explore this process of Transition.
This session will focus on the requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA) and Illinois enactment to provide a smooth and effective transition for children and their families. Elements of the process such as: transition meetings, responsibilities, timelines, state forms, and vital partnerships will be addressed.
Sponsor: Early Intervention Training Program and the College of Education