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INTC 8th Annual Beginning Teacher and 2nd Annual Illini EDge Conference

Champaign , USA
iHotel in Champaign, IL

iHotel in Champaign, IL

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INTC Beginning Teacher Conference and Illini EDge Conference July 17-18, 2017

Event Type: Conference/Workshop

We are pleased to announce our joint event: INTC 8th Annual Beginning Teacher and 2nd Annual Illini EDge Conference, to take place on July 17-18, 2017 at the iHotel in Champaign, IL.  The Beginning Teacher Conference is for all IL teachers who have completed their first year of teaching.  The Illini EDge conference is for recent graduates of Illinois' teacher preparation programs.  

Learning to navigate local, school, and professional communities is a vital part of sustaining professional growth.  This year's conference asks, "How do we develop relationships within and across our communities that help us grow and our students flourish?"

Join us as we explore these questions through breakout sessions, keynote panels, and extended learning opportunities in Champaign-Urbana.  Participants will connect with other teachers and systematically think about their practice as they look ahead to next year.  

Registration is open now!  Click here to register for the Beginning Teacher Conference by July 6, 2017.  

This low cost conference is made possible through the generous support of the Network to Transform Teaching, State Farm, and the College of Education at Illinois.  The $75 registration fee provides three meals, one night's stay at the iHotel, and a chance to win a classroom grant of $200 from the Meemic Foundation.  More information on the conference can be found our conference website.  

Know someone who might be interested in submitting a proposal for the conference?  The deadline for proposal submissions is May 30, 2017.  Click here to submit a proposal to present at a breakout session.  

Questions?  Please contact  

Contact: Illinois New Teacher Collaborative
