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150 for 150: Celebrating the Accomplishments of Women at Illinois

Champaign , USA
Main Library

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In celebration of the sesquicentennial of the University of Illinois, the Main Library has created an exhibit that highlights some of the women who have made significant achievements during their time at the University as students, staff, faculty, or alumni.

In celebration of the sesquicentennial of the University, the Library has created an exhibit which highlights some of the women who have made significant achievements during their time at the University either as students, staff, faculty, or alumni. The exhibit can be found on the first floor of the Main Library.

A companion website, sponsored by the Gender Equity Council, is currently being developed to showcase over 150 women and women's organizations from the University's past. This website will be live during the entire sesquicentennial celebration. The women and organizations featured on the website were gather via nominations as well as consultation with experts and resources on the history of the University.


Cindy Ingold

Gender Equity Council