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EdCampCU takes place January 28, 2017, at the College of Education at Illinois.

EdCampCU provides an opportunity to talk about schools and learning in our community. Unlike traditional conferences, EdCampCU’s agenda is created by the participants at the start of the event. Our agenda is composed entirely of participants’ questions, ranging from purposes of school, to standardized tests, to content area issues and opportunities. For example, participants have asked 'How can we integrate technology into social justice education?’ and 'How do we design collaborative learning spaces in classrooms?’ Session leaders aren’t necessarily experts on their question, they’re just interested in starting a conversation.

Who attends EdCampCU? Teachers, administrators, parents, community members, pre-service teachers, coders, business people, and school board members have participated in past EdCamps. Built on principles of connected and participatory learning, EdCampCU strives to bring people together to talk about the things that matter most to them in education today.

Spread the word, and find out more about EdCamps, registration, and past schedules on our website!


Katrina Kennett