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Reflections on an African American Children's Literature Family Literacy Program

Champaign , USA

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Professor McNair will present findings from her long-term literacy program that involved African American children’s literature and 10 African American families with children in grades K-2.

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Jonda McNair Professor of Literacy Education, Clemson University

Professor McNair will present findings from her long-term literacy program that involved African American children’s literature and 10 African American families with children in grades K-2. The goal was to determine how the families’ social practices changed as a result of participating in the project, which included a collaboration between a major public university, a local church, an African American sorority, and Call Me MISTER participants.

The families were exposed to an abundance of books written by and about African Americans through a series of workshops over a period of six months. The program ended with a presentation by James E. Ransome, an award-winning illustrator. Professor McNair will draw from her extensive data sources including pre- and post- interviews with parents, reading logs, and children’s drawings and written responses.


Free and Open to the Public


Meghan Peach



Department of Curriculum and Instruction  In conjunction with: Asian American Cultural Center, Center for Children’s Books, College of Education, Department of African American Studies, Department of Educational Policy, Organization and Leadership, Department of English, Department of Latina/Latino Studies, Department of Special Education, Gender & Women’s Studies, School of Information Sciences, Spurlock Museum, University Library