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Fall 2016 MSTE Friday Lunch Series - The GRASP Project: A "Hands In" Approach to the Design of Learning Environments

Champaign , USA

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Speaker Information:

Rob Wallon, Robb Lindgren

On Friday, October 14th, Rob Wallon and Robb Lindgren will present "The GRASP Project: A "Hands In" Approach to the Design of Learning Environments".

About the Talk:

How do you design simulations that use gesture interaction to support middle school students in constructing explanations of complex scientific phenomena? This is the overarching question driving the GRASP Project, an NSF-funded collaboration between the University of Illinois College of Education and the Concord Consortium. We will give an overview of development thus far and will discuss plans for expanding testing of simulations in classrooms.

About MSTE Friday Lunches

The MSTE Friday Lunches take place during the Fall & Spring semesters. Join us weekly for presentations and informal dialogue on Math, Science, Technology, and/or Education.


Free and open to the public.


Office for Mathematics, Science, & Technology Education (MSTE)