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Understanding and Improving Students’ Learning: A Dialogue Between Confucian and Socratic Approaches

Champaign , USA

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This talk will be given by Dr. Jinfa Cai, an internationally renowned scholar in the field of mathematical sciences and a professor of mathematical sciences and director of secondary math teacher education at the University of Delaware. The focus of his talk will be on the discussion of some insights from a series of cross-national comparative studies involving Chinese and U.S. students.

Speaker Information:

Dr. Jinfa Cai

This talk will be given by Dr. Jinfa Cai, an internationally renowned scholar in the field of Mathematical Sciences and a Professor of Mathematical Sciences and Director of Secondary Math Teacher Education at the University of Delaware. The focus of his talk will be on the discussion of some insights from a series of cross-national comparative studies involving Chinese and U.S. students.

Light lunch will be provided during this event.




Jian Zhang


Confucius Institute and College of Education
