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MSTE Friday Lunch Series - Bruce Carpenter

Champaign , USA

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Speaker Information:

Bruce Carpenter

About the Talk:

In a glass case in the hallway of Altgeld Hall on the University of Illinois campus lies an all-but-forgotten machine -- a Harmonic Analyzer designed by Albert Michelson to perform Fourier Analysis.  This presentation will describe the year long effort to memorialize this machine via the creation of a series of videos and production of posters and a coffee table book. No specialized knowledge will be necessary to appreciate this wondrous machine.

About MSTE Friday Lunches

The MSTE Friday Lunches take place during the Fall & Spring semesters. Join us weekly for presentations and informal dialogue on Math, Science, Technology, and/or Education.



Free and open to the public.


Office for Mathematics, Science, & Technology Education (MSTE)