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C&I Panel Discussion: Do Schools Really Treat Black, Latin@, and Immigrant Lives as if They Matter?

Champaign , USA

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Speaker Information:

Eurydice Bauer is an Associate Professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her research focuses on the literacy development, instruction, and assessment of students (preschool-grade 5) from diverse linguistic, economic, and cultural backgrounds, with a specific focus on bilingual reading and writing. Her current work focuses on the bilingual/biliteracy development of students in dual language settings.

Liv Thorstensson Dávila is a Clinical Assistant Professor in Language and Literacy and Curriculum, Aesthetics and Teacher Education. Her scholarship looks at bi- and multilingual students’ language and literacy development, classroom pedagogies that support access and equity, and global perspectives on immigration and language education. Her work stresses the importance of adopting ecological perspectives on language learning and school success that cross school, home and community contexts.

Stafford Hood is a Professor of Curriculum and Instruction and Educational Psychology, Sheila M. Miller Professor of Education, and Director of the Center for Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessment (CREA). His work primarily focuses on the importance of culture/cultural context in program evaluation. He also is deeply concerned with the U.S. pattern of grossly disproportionate incarceration of African Americans, Latino(a)s, and Native Americans. He now ponders about the distinct likelihood that a sizable number of incarcerated individuals from these groups could have high STEM related abilities and potentially been STEM degree recipients instead of casualties in the prison pipeline.

Luz Murillo is an Associate Professor of Bilingual, Literacy, and Reading Education. She uses critical ethnography to study the language/literacy and cultural practices of Latino/a and transnational children and families. To address the national "education debt” to historically marginalized groups, she advocates for reallocation of economic, human, and literacy resources to support academic biliteracy for all children.

Stephanie Sanders-Smith is an Assistant Professor and the Yew Chung – Bernard Spodek Scholar in EarlyChildhood Education. She studies the social/cultural contexts of early childhood programs in urban settings and
how those contexts impact relationships between teachers and students and between teachers and families. She finds that many well-meaning school policies have the unintended effect of severely limiting school engagement
opportunities for poor families of color in urban settings and can have a significant negative impacts on Latin American immigrant families. She would urge teachers and administrators to consider the true needs of all
families and to not value the experiences of some families over others.

Panel discussion moderated by Dr. James Anderson

Experts from the Department of Curriculum and Instruction will discuss:
 ♦ Disrupting the school to prison pipeline for young people of color
 ♦ Multidisciplinary approaches to understanding barriers to school success
 ♦ Language differences and the construction of school failure
 ♦ Out of school learning as it relates to school success
 ♦  Barriers to school engagement for immigrant families


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College of Education and Curriculum and Instruction

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