Tuesday, March 29, 12-1:00pm (Pacific Time)
Gita Steiner-Khamsi, Professor of Comparative and International at Teachers College, Columbia University in New York. Past president of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), she published extensively on policy borrowing and lending, globalization, and comparative policy studies. A recent book, entitled The Global Education Industry, was co-edited by Antoni Verger, Christopher Lubienski and Gita Steiner-Khamsi as part of the World Yearbook of Education series (Routledge, 2016).
The presentation draws on the book The Global Education Industry, edited by Antoni Verger, Christopher Lubienski and Gita Steiner-Khamsi, and published by Routledge in January 2016. The presenter argues that the current commercialization wave is fundamentally different from earlier waves of private-sector involvement in education. She discusses examples of how the global education industry has shaped the ways “effective education” (learning) is re-framed. She also discusses why new governance and finance models have surfaced – models that enable profit, an economy of scale, and a long-term “service contract” benefiting private-sector providers. For a long time, critical educational researchers attempted to See[ing] Like a State (James G. Scott) in order to understand governmentality in education. The presenter proposes that we need to Calculate like a Business in order to explore the business logic underlying current trends in public education.
If you are attending in person, please come to Scarfe 308A, University of British Columbia, Vancouver campus, from 12 pm to 1 pm on Tuesday, March 29, 2016 (Pacific Time). If you are joining the webinar, please go to http://bluejeans.com/ and click “Join meeting” as a participant and enter Meeting ID: 305154344 *Please join us at 11:50 am so that we can ensure everyone’s audio and video work properly. Also, please (1) mute your microphone, (2) turn off your video feed, and (3) do not share screen. If you would like to ask questions or need technical assistance, please use the 'CHAT' typing function.
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