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MSTE Friday Lunch Series - Peter Braunfeld

Champaign , USA

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Speaker Information:

Peter Braunfeld

On October 9th, Peter Braunfeld will present "The Common Core and the Grand Canyon."

About the Talk:

Peter Braunfeld will be leading a discussion about Common Core. The Common Core Mission Statement asserts that "the standards are designed to be robust, and relevant to the real world." But a sampling of the Common Core test items utterly fails to support this thesis. This seminar is designed to help attendees understand the abyss between pious hopes and dismal reality.

Don't forget to RSVP!

About MSTE Friday Lunches

The MSTE Friday Lunches take place during the Fall & Spring semesters. Join us weekly for presentations and informal dialogue on Math, Science, Technology, and/or Education.


Free and open to the public.


Office for Mathematics, Science, & Technology Education (MSTE)