College of Education

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Strategic Projects

Strategic Projects

The Bureau of Educational research leads development of College cross-cutting research themes that connect College researchers with topics, networks, and initiatives of societal urgency and impact at campus, state, national and and international levels.

Editable white paper on current Cross-Cutting Research Themes are available to College researchers via the College Internal website.

Recent strategic initiatives include

  1. COVID-19 Seed Funding Awards
  2. Illinois Secondary Teacher Education and Computer Science (I-STECS) initiative
  3. Technology Innovation in Educational Research and Design (TIER-ED)
  4. Planning for the Siebel Center for Design
  5. The Illinois Digital Ecologies & Learning Lab (IDEALL)
  6. The Illinois Learning Sciences Design Initiative (ILSDI)

These investments have been made by the College of Education and campus, to further the future of research and development in teaching and learning for the College and for the Illinois campus.