Bye-bye blackboard: Education alumni featured in News-Gazette article about educational technology
by Meg Dickinson / Sep 30, 2013
In a recent article in the News-Gazette, alumni Stephanie Alves ('97 Elem. Ed., EDM '12 HRE), Matt Sly ('99 Sec. Ed., '05 EDM Ed. Psych.), and Anne Monroe (EDM '97 C&I) talk about new educational technologies they use as educators in Champaign-Urbana schools. Mike Williams, the College of Education's director of Learning Technologies, also gives advice in the article.
THE NEWS-GAZETTE, Champaign, Ill. — When Anne Munroe's pre-calculus students at Central High School get stuck when working on homework this school year, they'll have extra resources to help them.
The students can watch a recording of Munroe's lesson from that day's class, or go to a website she recommends for homework help.
Munroe got the idea for recording her lessons while attending a conference at summer's end that trained teachers about using interactive whiteboards.
Read entire News-Gazette article…
Photo by Rick Danzl, The News-Gazette: Matt Sly leads a session during a conference on SMART boards at Centennial High School in Champaign.