# Edps 590BAY # Spring 2018 # C.J.Anderson # # Figure of bivariate with highly correlated values library(reshape2) library(plotly) # # This creates and interactive graphic df = as.data.frame(bivar) plot_ly(df, x = df = as.data.frame(mydata) plot_ly(df, x = bivar$V1, y = bivar$V2, z = bivar$V3, group = bivar$V1, type = "scatter3d", mode = "lines") library(MASS) x <- rnorm(10000,0,1) y <- x + .2*rnorm(10000,0,1) den3d <- kde2d(x, y, n=50) par(mfrow=c(2,2)) # Default persp(den3d, theta = 0, phi =0, box=FALSE) # Top down persp(den3d, theta = 0, phi = 90, box=FALSE) # Rotate persp(den3d, theta = 45, phi = 0, box=FALSE) # Rotate persp(den3d, theta = 45, phi = 0, box=FALSE)